Saturday, January 30, 2010

started a new band - becoming a sheep for doowop - fascinated by chain

i'm taking a jewelry class and i'm becoming fascinated by chain. if you like jewelry too, then you will probably think this website is pretty cool. updates of my progress to come. speaking of coming, i started a new band two days ago called Abagail Adams. it's a nice blend between technical/spazy hardcore and more straightforward driving punk, kind of the way that I FARM does it. updates of our progress to come.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

began playing drums again - reading norse literature

^lula cortes^



check these out. it almost feels like summertime's back.

Friday, January 22, 2010

modernity - weekend -

I'm spending a lot of time lately waking up early in the morning and it has a sort of luminescence. It conveys two types of reinvention, it drags wide and bright versions of our everyday objects that by afternoon have straightened and have paled. There is an affect conversion, a shuffling of the peace that smiles with a sort of dapper intranquility. I cannot compete with its charm.

what does this weekend look like.

tonight, friday Jan 22.
Lituania, Teeth of Mammals, Sundials - THE OX, 2nd and Oxford
Apparently these bands are awesome because everyone is excited. One of the bands has a member of DR DOG M.D. in it so it is obviously worth seeing.
facebook *~*~*

Toy Soldiers - Johnny Brenda's, Frankford and Girard
This band is awesome because it is huge. Also Dan King is in it and he's the best. How will you decide where to go tonight? How will i decide? Will i even go out? Am i tired?
check it *~*~*~*~*~*~

Also tonight! This thing:

for the future beyond today:::::::

thursday, january 28th.
maybe we should start from the beginning. 6-9 downstairs at Tyler.
Another art BFA show, this one promising "life fulfilling experiences" which in my opinion is the reason why they invented events. We all want them. We all.

monday, february 1st.
Algernon Cadwallader, Band Name Layers/Quake -Terrordome, 48th and Haverford
I hear good things from lots of people. True story.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Eaters Eat

Oh hello,

I've been putting together another EP. This one has some better recordings, an iron and wine cover, and even some collaboration. King Bones, the first track, features backup vocals, piano, and guitar additions from Mike Leuchtenberger. He's a friend from the old days, the ones where we used to hit each other with sticks for fun. He's also playing guitar on the third track, A New Leash On Them.
The one i'm excited about is track five, Lethe. He wrote and recorded the instrumentation for the whole song and the vocals for the beginning, then asked me to come in and write the second half. Additional vocals from my good friend Jess Orlidge pulled the whole thing together.

If you want to hear more of Mike, some of his stuff is here:

1. King Bones
2. Lion's Mane (i&w covr)
3. A New Leash On Them
4. Topography Insert
5. Lethe
6. Uulator


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Boat Sleeve


This is the second Virtual EP, entitled Boat Sleeve. It is a collection of works dating from Fall '08 to Fall '09. One track, Musk Indonesia (rhythm box demo), was recorded with help from Gabriel Mink who played drums and twisted some knobs.
Eat it up.

1. King Bones (live loop)
2. Shine
3. Pocket Minds
4 Sing
5. Musk Indonesia (rhythm box demo)
6. Do This Enough
7. Sonnets (old standards now standing)
8. Effry Morning


Live fr Town

I'm Nicholas. I'm Land fr Teeth, a solo project based in Philadelphia. Here for free download is my first Virtual EP, entitled Live fr Town.
It is composed of five songs, recorded over the period of two weeks in April of 2009.

1. collapse of the drums team
2. corner sound
3. tank dreams
4. blind theater
5. colonnade
